Yes, the Jávea Players are presenting another pantomime!

You are invited to the read through of the Little Panto on the Prairie script on Sunday April 30th at 10:30 am
Come along and read a part …..or if you prefer just listen to the script and enjoy a drink with us.
There will be an option for lunch afterwards if enough people are interested.
Welcome to the wild, wild west and the town of Windy Bottom, the setting for Rich Lock’s new, original, pantomime.
Madame Moonshine runs the local saloon with her hapless barman, Tumbleweed. But the evil sheriff, Cactus Jack, has plans to take over the saloon and turn it into a casino, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.
This involves hiring a couple of Mexican henchmen to kidnap our heroine, Sandy, and keep her hostage to prevent our hero, Buck the cowboy, from winning the Cowboy Derby, because if Sheriff Jack wins he will be able to evict Madame and get his evil hands on the saloon.
Tumbleweed enlists the magical help of a very unlikely Fairy Saddle-Sore when he ‘rescues’ her from a well. All sorts of mayhem ensues with every pun, corny joke, risque comment and laugh possible squeezed out of a very clever, funny pantomime script.
If you are interested in joining your fellow theatre members for lunch afterwards in a local Bar/Restaurant (to be decided), please let us know so we can arrange numbers.
Click HERE to send me an email.
Leigh Patterson