Wife After Death – Autumn 2023

By Eric Chappell

Directed by Penny Grant

Wife After Death written by Eric Chappell the award-winning writer of the situation comedies weโ€™ve all loved โ€“Rising Damp, Only When I Laugh, Duty Freeโ€ฆ
There nothing morbid about this play, quite the reverse. It is the day of the funeral of great comedian, TV personality and National Treasure, Dave Thursby. Daveโ€™s glamorous young widow has arranged a funeral to remember, complete with horse-drawn hearse and an attendant dog. A mystery female guest arrives, dressed in a full flamboyant black outfit, and upsets the proceedings with a devastating announcement. As the day and weeks progress other revelations come out of the woodwork and friends and colleagues begin to realise that they really didnโ€™t know Dave at allโ€ฆโ€ฆ.