Feb 2025. Pip Utton – Adolf

Looking uncomfortably like the Führer, Pip stands before a Nazi banner addressing his party faithful. He furnishes his audience with an acute anatomy of fascism; its ideological justifications; its poisoned utopias. They are in the presence of an utterly compelling idealist, and are helplessly drawn into his warped logic. What made Adolf Hitler so compulsive? How could any cultured person follow him to destruction, desolation and genocide?

Hitler’s final performance seems over as he settles into pre-suicidal contemplation. We know the rest… But Pip Utton has reserved a sting for his tale… He has performed Adolf to much acclaim, including in Germany.

Despite the serious subject matter, Pip, as always, will manage to make you laugh, too.

Warning: Pips performance will contain content that may offend.

Javea Players Studio Theatre